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Compute summary statistics (sums, means) of data subsets.


groupSums(object, ...)
# S4 method for class 'matrix'
groupSums(object, MARGIN, by, na.rm = FALSE, ...)
# S4 method for class 'sparseMatrix'
groupSums(object, MARGIN, by, na.rm = FALSE, ...)
# S4 method for class 'Mefa'
groupSums(object, MARGIN, by, replace, na.rm = FALSE, ...)

groupMeans(object, ...)
# S4 method for class 'matrix'
groupMeans(object, MARGIN, by, na.rm = FALSE, ...)
# S4 method for class 'sparseMatrix'
groupMeans(object, MARGIN, by, na.rm = FALSE, ...)
# S4 method for class 'Mefa'
groupMeans(object, MARGIN, by, replace, na.rm = FALSE, ...)

sum_by(x, by)



an object.


a vector.


numeric, 1 indicates rows are to be summed/averaged, 2 indicates columns are to be summed/averaged. c(1, 2) is not yet implemented, but can be calculated calling the function twice.


a vector of grouping elements corresponding to dimensions of object and MARGIN.


a data frame to be used when applying the method on a "Mefa" object. The attribute table corresponding to MARGIN is dropped (NULL), replacement table can be specified via this argument.


logical. Should missing values be removed? Sum is calculated by zeroing out NA values, mean is calculated as dividing the sum by the number of non-NA values when collapsing.


other argument, currently not implemented.


The method sums/averages cells in a matrix. The functions behind these methods use sparse matrices, so calculations can be more efficient compared to using aggregate.


An object similar to the input one.


Peter Solymos <>

See also

rowSums, rowMeans, colSums, colMeans

Standard aggregate in package stats

aggregate.mefa in package mefa for S3 "mefa" objects.


x <- data.frame(
    sample = paste("Sample", c(1,1,2,2,3,4), sep="."),
    species = c(paste("Species", c(1,1,1,2,3), sep="."),
    "zero.pseudo"), count = c(1,2,10,3,4,0),
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
samp <- data.frame(samples=levels(x$sample), var1=1:2,
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
taxa <- data.frame(specnames=levels(x$species), var2=c("b","a"),
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
rownames(samp) <- samp$samples
rownames(taxa) <- taxa$specnames
x2 <- Xtab(count ~ sample + species, x, cdrop=FALSE,rdrop=TRUE)
x5 <- Mefa(x2, samp, taxa, join="inner")

groupSums(as.matrix(x2), 1, c(1,1,2))
#>   Species.1 Species.2 Species.3 zero.pseudo
#> 1        13         3         0           0
#> 2         0         0         4           0
groupSums(as.matrix(x2), 2, c(1,1,2,2))
#>           1 2
#> Sample.1  3 0
#> Sample.2 13 0
#> Sample.3  0 4
groupSums(x2, 1, c(1,1,2))
#> 2 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>   Species.1 Species.2 Species.3 zero.pseudo
#> 1        13         3         .           .
#> 2         .         .         4           .
groupSums(x2, 2, c(1,1,2,2))
#> 3 x 2 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>           1 2
#> Sample.1  3 .
#> Sample.2 13 .
#> Sample.3  . 4
groupSums(x5, 1, c(1,1,2))
#> Object of class "Mefa"
#>   ..@ xtab: 2 x 4 sparse Matrix
#>   ..@ samp: NULL
#>   ..@ taxa: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ join: inner 
groupSums(x5, 2, c(1,1,2,2))
#> Object of class "Mefa"
#>   ..@ xtab: 3 x 2 sparse Matrix
#>   ..@ samp: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ taxa: NULL
#>   ..@ join: inner 

groupMeans(as.matrix(x2), 1, c(1,1,2))
#>   Species.1 Species.2 Species.3 zero.pseudo
#> 1       6.5       1.5         0           0
#> 2       0.0       0.0         4           0
groupMeans(as.matrix(x2), 2, c(1,1,2,2))
#>            1 2
#> Sample.1 1.5 0
#> Sample.2 6.5 0
#> Sample.3 0.0 2
groupMeans(x2, 1, c(1,1,2))
#> 2 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>   Species.1 Species.2 Species.3 zero.pseudo
#> 1       6.5       1.5         .           .
#> 2       .         .           4           .
groupMeans(x2, 2, c(1,1,2,2))
#> 3 x 2 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>            1 2
#> Sample.1 1.5 .
#> Sample.2 6.5 .
#> Sample.3 .   2
groupMeans(x5, 1, c(1,1,2))
#> Object of class "Mefa"
#>   ..@ xtab: 2 x 4 sparse Matrix
#>   ..@ samp: NULL
#>   ..@ taxa: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ join: inner 
groupMeans(x5, 2, c(1,1,2,2))
#> Object of class "Mefa"
#>   ..@ xtab: 3 x 2 sparse Matrix
#>   ..@ samp: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ taxa: NULL
#>   ..@ join: inner 

sum_by(runif(100, 0, 1), sample(LETTERS[1:4], 100, replace=TRUE))
#>           x by
#> C 17.099100 29
#> A  7.992116 18
#> D 14.054393 29
#> B 12.379071 24