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Creating an object of class "Mefa".


Mefa(xtab, samp, taxa, join = c("left", "inner"), drop = FALSE)



a matrix or a sparse matrix.


a data frame or NULL.


a data frame or NULL.


character, "left" (default) or "inner".


logical, if unused levels in the data frames should be dropped.


samp and taxa tables are matched with corresponding dimnames in xtab: rownames with samp, colnames with taxa. If join = "left", all rows and columns in xtab are retained, while missing items in the corresponding attribute tables are filled up with NAs. If join = "inner", only the intersection of corresponding names are retained.

The xtab slot is a sparse matrix (dgCMatrix). The input should be in class MefaMatrix that is a class union of matrix and sparseMatrix classes.

The samp and taxa slots take data frame or NULL, which two form the MefaDataFrame class union.

The virtual classes mefa and stcs are defined for seamless coercion between S3 and S4 classes.


An S4 object of class "Mefa" with 4 slots: xtab, samp, taxa, join.


Peter Solymos <>


If xtab has no dimnames, matching it up with the attribute tables can be problematic.

See also

Creating crosstabulations: Xtab, xtabs in package stats, xtabs in package stats

"mefa" S3 class: mefa in mefa package.

Accessing and replacing slots: xtab, samp, taxa.


x <- data.frame(
    sample = paste("Sample", c(1,1,2,2,3,4), sep="."),
    species = c(paste("Species", c(1,1,1,2,3), sep="."),  "zero.pseudo"),
    count = c(1,2,10,3,4,0),
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
samp <- data.frame(samples=levels(x$sample), var1=1:2,
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
taxa <- data.frame(specnames=levels(x$species), var2=c("b","a"),
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
rownames(samp) <- samp$samples
rownames(taxa) <- taxa$specnames

## Xtab class, counts by repetitions in RHS
(x0 <- Xtab(~ sample + species, x))
#> 4 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>          Species.1 Species.2 Species.3 zero.pseudo
#> Sample.1         2         .         .           .
#> Sample.2         1         1         .           .
#> Sample.3         .         .         1           .
#> Sample.4         .         .         .           1

## counts by LHS and repetitions in RHS
(x1 <- Xtab(count ~ sample + species, x))
#> 4 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>          Species.1 Species.2 Species.3 zero.pseudo
#> Sample.1         3         .         .           .
#> Sample.2        10         3         .           .
#> Sample.3         .         .         4           .
#> Sample.4         .         .         .           .

## drop all empty rows
(x2 <- Xtab(count ~ sample + species, x, cdrop=FALSE,rdrop=TRUE))
#> 3 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>          Species.1 Species.2 Species.3 zero.pseudo
#> Sample.1         3         .         .           .
#> Sample.2        10         3         .           .
#> Sample.3         .         .         4           .

## drop all empty columns
Xtab(count ~ sample + species, x, cdrop=TRUE,rdrop=FALSE)
#> 4 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>          Species.1 Species.2 Species.3
#> Sample.1         3         .         .
#> Sample.2        10         3         .
#> Sample.3         .         .         4
#> Sample.4         .         .         .

## drop specific columns by placeholder
Xtab(count ~ sample + species, x, cdrop="zero.pseudo")
#> 4 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>          Species.1 Species.2 Species.3
#> Sample.1         3         .         .
#> Sample.2        10         3         .
#> Sample.3         .         .         4
#> Sample.4         .         .         .

## Mefa class, standard
(x3 <- Mefa(x1, samp, taxa))
#> Object of class "Mefa"
#>   ..@ xtab: 4 x 4 sparse Matrix
#>   ..@ samp: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ taxa: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ join: left 
#> <S4 Type Object>
#> attr(,"xtab")
#> 4 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>          Species.1 Species.2 Species.3 zero.pseudo
#> Sample.1         3         .         .           .
#> Sample.2        10         3         .           .
#> Sample.3         .         .         4           .
#> Sample.4         .         .         .           .
#> attr(,"samp")
#>           samples var1
#> Sample.1 Sample.1    1
#> Sample.2 Sample.2    2
#> Sample.3 Sample.3    1
#> Sample.4 Sample.4    2
#> attr(,"taxa")
#>               specnames var2
#> Species.1     Species.1    b
#> Species.2     Species.2    a
#> Species.3     Species.3    b
#> zero.pseudo zero.pseudo    a
#> attr(,"join")
#> [1] "left"
#> 4 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>          Species.1 Species.2 Species.3 zero.pseudo
#> Sample.1         3         .         .           .
#> Sample.2        10         3         .           .
#> Sample.3         .         .         4           .
#> Sample.4         .         .         .           .
#>           samples var1
#> Sample.1 Sample.1    1
#> Sample.2 Sample.2    2
#> Sample.3 Sample.3    1
#> Sample.4 Sample.4    2
#>               specnames var2
#> Species.1     Species.1    b
#> Species.2     Species.2    a
#> Species.3     Species.3    b
#> zero.pseudo zero.pseudo    a
#> [1] "left"

## effects of left join, NULL taxa slot, xtab is (not sparse) matrix
(x4 <- Mefa(as.matrix(x1), samp[1:2,]))
#> Object of class "Mefa"
#>   ..@ xtab: 4 x 4 sparse Matrix
#>   ..@ samp: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ taxa: NULL
#>   ..@ join: left 
#> <S4 Type Object>
#> attr(,"xtab")
#> 4 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>          Species.1 Species.2 Species.3 zero.pseudo
#> Sample.1         3         .         .           .
#> Sample.2        10         3         .           .
#> Sample.3         .         .         4           .
#> Sample.4         .         .         .           .
#> attr(,"samp")
#>           samples var1
#> Sample.1 Sample.1    1
#> Sample.2 Sample.2    2
#> Sample.3     <NA>   NA
#> Sample.4     <NA>   NA
#> attr(,"taxa")
#> `\001NULL\001`
#> attr(,"join")
#> [1] "left"

## effects of inner join (intersect)
(x5 <- Mefa(x2, samp, taxa, join="inner"))
#> Object of class "Mefa"
#>   ..@ xtab: 3 x 4 sparse Matrix
#>   ..@ samp: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ taxa: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ join: inner 
#> <S4 Type Object>
#> attr(,"xtab")
#> 3 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>          Species.1 Species.2 Species.3 zero.pseudo
#> Sample.1         3         .         .           .
#> Sample.2        10         3         .           .
#> Sample.3         .         .         4           .
#> attr(,"samp")
#>           samples var1
#> Sample.1 Sample.1    1
#> Sample.2 Sample.2    2
#> Sample.3 Sample.3    1
#> attr(,"taxa")
#>               specnames var2
#> Species.1     Species.1    b
#> Species.2     Species.2    a
#> Species.3     Species.3    b
#> zero.pseudo zero.pseudo    a
#> attr(,"join")
#> [1] "inner"
unclass(Mefa(x1, samp[1:2,], join="inner"))
#> <S4 Type Object>
#> attr(,"xtab")
#> 2 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>          Species.1 Species.2 Species.3 zero.pseudo
#> Sample.1         3         .         .           .
#> Sample.2        10         3         .           .
#> attr(,"samp")
#>           samples var1
#> Sample.1 Sample.1    1
#> Sample.2 Sample.2    2
#> attr(,"taxa")
#> `\001NULL\001`
#> attr(,"join")
#> [1] "inner"

## xtab only Mefa
(x6 <- Mefa(x1))
#> Object of class "Mefa"
#>   ..@ xtab: 4 x 4 sparse Matrix
#>   ..@ samp: NULL
#>   ..@ taxa: NULL
#>   ..@ join: left 

## creating new Mefa object without Mefa()
new("Mefa", xtab=x1, samp=samp, taxa=taxa,join="left")
#> Object of class "Mefa"
#>   ..@ xtab: 4 x 4 sparse Matrix
#>   ..@ samp: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ taxa: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ join: left 

## dim and dimnames
#> [1] 3 4
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "Sample.1" "Sample.2" "Sample.3"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "Species.1"   "Species.2"   "Species.3"   "zero.pseudo"
dn <- list(paste("S", 1:3, sep=""), paste("SPP", 1:4, sep=""))
dimnames(x5) <- dn
#> <S4 Type Object>
#> attr(,"xtab")
#> 3 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>    SPP1 SPP2 SPP3 SPP4
#> S1    3    .    .    .
#> S2   10    3    .    .
#> S3    .    .    4    .
#> attr(,"samp")
#>     samples var1
#> S1 Sample.1    1
#> S2 Sample.2    2
#> S3 Sample.3    1
#> attr(,"taxa")
#>        specnames var2
#> SPP1   Species.1    b
#> SPP2   Species.2    a
#> SPP3   Species.3    b
#> SPP4 zero.pseudo    a
#> attr(,"join")
#> [1] "inner"
dimnames(x5)[[1]] <- paste("S", 1:3, sep="_")
#> <S4 Type Object>
#> attr(,"xtab")
#> 3 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>     SPP1 SPP2 SPP3 SPP4
#> S_1    3    .    .    .
#> S_2   10    3    .    .
#> S_3    .    .    4    .
#> attr(,"samp")
#>      samples var1
#> S_1 Sample.1    1
#> S_2 Sample.2    2
#> S_3 Sample.3    1
#> attr(,"taxa")
#>        specnames var2
#> SPP1   Species.1    b
#> SPP2   Species.2    a
#> SPP3   Species.3    b
#> SPP4 zero.pseudo    a
#> attr(,"join")
#> [1] "inner"
dimnames(x5)[[2]] <- paste("SPP", 1:4, sep="_")
#> <S4 Type Object>
#> attr(,"xtab")
#> 3 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>     SPP_1 SPP_2 SPP_3 SPP_4
#> S_1     3     .     .     .
#> S_2    10     3     .     .
#> S_3     .     .     4     .
#> attr(,"samp")
#>      samples var1
#> S_1 Sample.1    1
#> S_2 Sample.2    2
#> S_3 Sample.3    1
#> attr(,"taxa")
#>         specnames var2
#> SPP_1   Species.1    b
#> SPP_2   Species.2    a
#> SPP_3   Species.3    b
#> SPP_4 zero.pseudo    a
#> attr(,"join")
#> [1] "inner"

## transpose
#> Object of class "Mefa"
#>   ..@ xtab: 3 x 4 sparse Matrix
#>   ..@ samp: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ taxa: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ join: inner 
#> Object of class "Mefa"
#>   ..@ xtab: 4 x 3 sparse Matrix
#>   ..@ samp: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ taxa: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ join: inner 
#> <S4 Type Object>
#> attr(,"xtab")
#> 3 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>     SPP_1 SPP_2 SPP_3 SPP_4
#> S_1     3     .     .     .
#> S_2    10     3     .     .
#> S_3     .     .     4     .
#> attr(,"samp")
#>      samples var1
#> S_1 Sample.1    1
#> S_2 Sample.2    2
#> S_3 Sample.3    1
#> attr(,"taxa")
#>         specnames var2
#> SPP_1   Species.1    b
#> SPP_2   Species.2    a
#> SPP_3   Species.3    b
#> SPP_4 zero.pseudo    a
#> attr(,"join")
#> [1] "inner"
#> <S4 Type Object>
#> attr(,"xtab")
#> 4 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>       S_1 S_2 S_3
#> SPP_1   3  10   .
#> SPP_2   .   3   .
#> SPP_3   .   .   4
#> SPP_4   .   .   .
#> attr(,"samp")
#>         specnames var2
#> SPP_1   Species.1    b
#> SPP_2   Species.2    a
#> SPP_3   Species.3    b
#> SPP_4 zero.pseudo    a
#> attr(,"taxa")
#>      samples var1
#> S_1 Sample.1    1
#> S_2 Sample.2    2
#> S_3 Sample.3    1
#> attr(,"join")
#> [1] "inner"

## 0 and 1 row/col Mefa object
#> Object of class "Mefa"
#>   ..@ xtab: 0 x 0 sparse Matrix
#>   ..@ samp: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ taxa: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ join: left 
#> Object of class "Mefa"
#>   ..@ xtab: 1 x 0 sparse Matrix
#>   ..@ samp: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ taxa: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ join: left 
#> Object of class "Mefa"
#>   ..@ xtab: 0 x 1 sparse Matrix
#>   ..@ samp: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ taxa: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ join: left 
#> Object of class "Mefa"
#>   ..@ xtab: 1 x 1 sparse Matrix
#>   ..@ samp: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ taxa: data frame with 2 variables
#>   ..@ join: left 

## stack
#>                samp        taxa values samp_samples samp_var1 taxa_specnames
#> Sample.1   Sample.1   Species.1      3     Sample.1         1      Species.1
#> Sample.2   Sample.2   Species.1     10     Sample.2         2      Species.1
#> Sample.3   Sample.3   Species.1      0     Sample.3         1      Species.1
#> Sample.4   Sample.4   Species.1      0     Sample.4         2      Species.1
#> Sample.1.1 Sample.1   Species.2      0     Sample.1         1      Species.2
#> Sample.2.1 Sample.2   Species.2      3     Sample.2         2      Species.2
#> Sample.3.1 Sample.3   Species.2      0     Sample.3         1      Species.2
#> Sample.4.1 Sample.4   Species.2      0     Sample.4         2      Species.2
#> Sample.1.2 Sample.1   Species.3      0     Sample.1         1      Species.3
#> Sample.2.2 Sample.2   Species.3      0     Sample.2         2      Species.3
#> Sample.3.2 Sample.3   Species.3      4     Sample.3         1      Species.3
#> Sample.4.2 Sample.4   Species.3      0     Sample.4         2      Species.3
#> Sample.1.3 Sample.1 zero.pseudo      0     Sample.1         1    zero.pseudo
#> Sample.2.3 Sample.2 zero.pseudo      0     Sample.2         2    zero.pseudo
#> Sample.3.3 Sample.3 zero.pseudo      0     Sample.3         1    zero.pseudo
#> Sample.4.3 Sample.4 zero.pseudo      0     Sample.4         2    zero.pseudo
#>            taxa_var2
#> Sample.1           b
#> Sample.2           b
#> Sample.3           b
#> Sample.4           b
#> Sample.1.1         a
#> Sample.2.1         a
#> Sample.3.1         a
#> Sample.4.1         a
#> Sample.1.2         b
#> Sample.2.2         b
#> Sample.3.2         b
#> Sample.4.2         b
#> Sample.1.3         a
#> Sample.2.3         a
#> Sample.3.3         a
#> Sample.4.3         a