How to write and document %special% functions in R

November 26, 2016 Code R functions special

I spend a considerable portion of my working hours with data processing where I often use the %in% R function as x %in% y. Whenever I need the negation of that, I used to write !(x %in% y). Not much of a hassle, but still, wouldn’t it be nicer to have x %notin% y instead? So I decided to code it for my mefa4 package that I maintain primarily to make my data munging time shorter and more efficient. Coding a %special% function was no big deal. But I had to do quite a bit of research and trial-error until I figured out the proper documentation. So here it goes.

The function

The function name needs quotes and exactly two arguments, one for the left and one for the right hand side of the operator in the middle:

"%notin%" <- function(x, table) !(match(x, table, nomatch = 0) > 0)

Let us see what it does:

1:4 %in% 3:5
1:4 %notin% 3:5


We need to export the function, so just add the following entry to the NAMESPACE file:


The Rd file

This is where things get are a bit more interesting. The LaTeX engine needs the percent sign to be escaped (\%) throughout the whole documentation. Also pay close attention to the usage section (x \%notin\% table).

Negated Value Matching
\code{\%notin\%} is the negation of \code{\link{\%in\%}},
which returns a logical vector indicating if there is a non-match or not
for its left operand.
x \%notin\% table
vector or \code{NULL}: the values to be matched.
vector or \code{NULL}: the values to be matched against.
A logical vector, indicating if a non-match was located for each element of
\code{x}: thus the values are \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} and never \code{NA}.
Peter Solymos <>
All the opposite of what is written for \code{\link{\%in\%}}.
1:10 \%notin\% c(1,3,5,9)
sstr <- c("c","ab","B","bba","c",NA,"@","bla","a","Ba","\%")
sstr[sstr \%notin\% c(letters, LETTERS)]


Some updates from the comments:

  • From Marcin: One can use roxygen2 for writing package documentation, see the magrittr package docs on the %>% (pipe) operator.
  • From Andrey: The Hmisc package also has a similar %nin% function ({match(x, table, nomatch = 0) == 0}). (Note that the unexported Matrix:::"%nin%" is defined as {, table))}.)

Closing the gap between data and decision making

CalgaryR & YEGRUG Meetup: Data Cloning - Hierarchical Models Made Easy

I moved to Canada in 2008 to start a postdoctoral fellowship with Prof. Subhash Lele at the stats department of the University of Alberta. Subhash at the time just published a paper about a statistical technique called data cloning. Data cloning is a way to use Bayesian MCMC algorithms to do frequentist inference. Yes, you read that right.

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