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Utility functions for factors and compositional data.


compare_sets(x, y)
reclass(x, map, all = FALSE, allow_NA = FALSE)
redistribute(x, source, target = NULL)


x, y

any type for compare_sets, matrix for find_max, find_min, and redistribute, a factor for reclass.


a reclassification matrix with 2 columns (1st: original levels, 2nd: output levels mapped to original levels).


logical, whether all levels from mapping matrix should be applied on the return object.


logical, whether NAs are allowed as part of map.


numeric or character, single column index for input matrix x.


numeric or character, column index or indices for input matrix x.


A matrix compare_sets.

A data frame for find_max and find_min.

A reclassified factor for reclass.

A matrix for redistribute where the source column values are redistributed among the target columns proportionally.


Peter Solymos <>


## numeric vector
compare_sets(1:10, 8:15)
#>        xlength ylength intersect union xbutnoty ybutnotx
#> labels      10       8         3    15        7        5
#> unique      10       8         3    15        7        5
## factor with 'zombie' labels
compare_sets(factor(1:10, levels=1:10), factor(8:15, levels=1:15))
#>        xlength ylength intersect union xbutnoty ybutnotx
#> labels      10      15        10    15        0        5
#> unique      10       8         3    15        7        5

(mat <- matrix(rnorm(10*5), 10, 5))
#>               [,1]        [,2]        [,3]       [,4]        [,5]
#>  [1,] -1.400043517 -0.55369938  0.46815442  0.9353632  0.07003485
#>  [2,]  0.255317055  0.62898204  0.36295126  0.1764886 -0.63912332
#>  [3,] -2.437263611  2.06502490 -1.30454355  0.2436855 -0.04996490
#>  [4,] -0.005571287 -1.63098940  0.73777632  1.6235489 -0.25148344
#>  [5,]  0.621552721  0.51242695  1.88850493  0.1120381  0.44479712
#>  [6,]  1.148411606 -1.86301149 -0.09744510 -0.1339970  2.75541758
#>  [7,] -1.821817661 -0.52201251 -0.93584735 -1.9100875  0.04653138
#>  [8,] -0.247325302 -0.05260191 -0.01595031 -0.2792372  0.57770907
#>  [9,] -0.244199607  0.54299634 -0.82678895 -0.3134460  0.11819487
#> [10,] -0.282705449 -0.91407483 -1.51239965  1.0673079 -1.91172049
(m <- find_max(mat))
#>    index      value
#> 1     X4 0.93536319
#> 2     X2 0.62898204
#> 3     X2 2.06502490
#> 4     X4 1.62354888
#> 5     X3 1.88850493
#> 6     X5 2.75541758
#> 7     X5 0.04653138
#> 8     X5 0.57770907
#> 9     X2 0.54299634
#> 10    X4 1.06730788
## column indices
#>  [1] 4 2 2 4 3 5 5 5 2 4
#>    index      value
#> 1     X1 -1.4000435
#> 2     X5 -0.6391233
#> 3     X1 -2.4372636
#> 4     X2 -1.6309894
#> 5     X4  0.1120381
#> 6     X2 -1.8630115
#> 7     X4 -1.9100875
#> 8     X4 -0.2792372
#> 9     X3 -0.8267890
#> 10    X5 -1.9117205

map <- cbind(c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g"),
#x <- factor(sample(map[1:6,1], 100, replace=TRUE), levels=map[,1])
x <- as.factor(sample(map[1:6,1], 100, replace=TRUE))
x[2] <- NA
table(x, reclass(x, map, all = FALSE), useNA="always")
#> x       A  B  C  D <NA>
#>   a    20  0  0  0    0
#>   b     0 17  0  0    0
#>   c     0 16  0  0    0
#>   d     0  0 18  0    0
#>   e     0  0  0 18    0
#>   f     0  0  0 10    0
#>   <NA>  0  0  0  0    1
table(x, reclass(x, map, all = TRUE), useNA="always")
#> x       A  B  C  D  E <NA>
#>   a    20  0  0  0  0    0
#>   b     0 17  0  0  0    0
#>   c     0 16  0  0  0    0
#>   d     0  0 18  0  0    0
#>   e     0  0  0 18  0    0
#>   f     0  0  0 10  0    0
#>   <NA>  0  0  0  0  0    1

map[c(4, 7), 2] <- NA
table(x, reclass(x, map, all = FALSE, allow_NA = TRUE), useNA="always")
#> x       A  B  D <NA>
#>   a    20  0  0    0
#>   b     0 17  0    0
#>   c     0 16  0    0
#>   d     0  0  0   18
#>   e     0  0 18    0
#>   f     0  0 10    0
#>   <NA>  0  0  0    1
table(x, reclass(x, map, all = TRUE, allow_NA = TRUE), useNA="always")
#> x       A  B  D <NA>
#>   a    20  0  0    0
#>   b     0 17  0    0
#>   c     0 16  0    0
#>   d     0  0  0   18
#>   e     0  0 18    0
#>   f     0  0 10    0
#>   <NA>  0  0  0    1

(mat2 <- exp(mat) / rowSums(exp(mat)))
#>              [,1]        [,2]       [,3]       [,4]       [,5]
#>  [1,] 0.040831390 0.095182422 0.26444918 0.42193778 0.17759923
#>  [2,] 0.204093071 0.296557494 0.22728627 0.18862250 0.08344066
#>  [3,] 0.008346517 0.753050903 0.02590833 0.12185032 0.09084393
#>  [4,] 0.108918579 0.021438374 0.22905181 0.55541789 0.08517334
#>  [5,] 0.145234726 0.130220017 0.51558565 0.08725515 0.12170446
#>  [6,] 0.151466054 0.007455399 0.04357593 0.04201190 0.75549072
#>  [7,] 0.069027282 0.253232229 0.16741439 0.06319543 0.44713066
#>  [8,] 0.148679922 0.180642369 0.18738603 0.14401016 0.33928152
#>  [9,] 0.163250927 0.358699287 0.09116756 0.15232891 0.23455332
#> [10,] 0.170130393 0.090486058 0.04974306 0.65627407 0.03336642
(rmat2 <- redistribute(mat2, source = 1, target = 2:4))
#>       [,1]       [,2]       [,3]      [,4]       [,5]
#>  [1,]    0 0.10015502 0.27826475 0.4439810 0.17759923
#>  [2,]    0 0.38150935 0.29239469 0.2426553 0.08344066
#>  [3,]    0 0.76002835 0.02614838 0.1229793 0.09084393
#>  [4,]    0 0.02433577 0.26000819 0.6304827 0.08517334
#>  [5,]    0 0.15601933 0.61773398 0.1045422 0.12170446
#>  [6,]    0 0.01959212 0.11451364 0.1104035 0.75549072
#>  [7,]    0 0.28935958 0.19129855 0.0722112 0.44713066
#>  [8,]    0 0.23309524 0.24179705 0.1858262 0.33928152
#>  [9,]    0 0.45594008 0.11588242 0.1936242 0.23455332
#> [10,]    0 0.10981357 0.06036801 0.7964520 0.03336642
#> [1] 0.1209979 0.2186965 0.1801568 0.2432904 0.2368584
#> [1] 0.0000000 0.2529848 0.2198410 0.2903158 0.2368584
stopifnot(abs(sum(mat2) - sum(rmat2)) < 10^-6)