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Functions for evaluating if values of vectors are within intervals, or less than or higher than interval endpoints. The c within the brackets refer to cut, a similar function.


x %[c]% interval
x %[c)% interval
x %(c]% interval
x %(c)% interval



vector or NULL: the values to be compared to interval endpoints.


vector, 2-column matrix, list, or NULL: the interval end points.


Values of x are compared to interval endpoints a and b (a <= b) (see %[]% for details). The functions return an integer vector taking values -1L (value of x is less than or equal to a, depending on the interval type), 0L (value of x is inside the interval), or 1L (value of x is greater than or equal to b, depending on the interval type).


Peter Solymos <>

See also

Similar functions (but not quite): sign, cut, .bincode, findInterval.

See relational operators for intervals: %[]%.

See Syntax for operator precedence.


x <- 1:5
x %[c]% c(2,4)
#> [1] -1  0  0  0  1
x %[c)% c(2,4)
#> [1] -1  0  0  1  1
x %(c]% c(2,4)
#> [1] -1 -1  0  0  1
x %(c)% c(2,4)
#> [1] -1 -1  0  1  1