The functions estimate the extrapolated species richness in a species
pool, or the number of unobserved species. Function specpool
is based on incidences in sample sites, and gives a single estimate
for a collection of sample sites (matrix). Function estimateR
is based on abundances (counts) on single sample site.
specpool(x, pool, smallsample = TRUE) estimateR(x, ...) specpool2vect(X, index = c("jack1","jack2", "chao", "boot","Species")) poolaccum(x, permutations = 100, minsize = 3) estaccumR(x, permutations = 100, parallel = getOption("mc.cores")) # S3 method for poolaccum summary(object, display, alpha = 0.05, ...) # S3 method for poolaccum plot(x, alpha = 0.05, type = c("l","g"), ...)
x | Data frame or matrix with species data or the analysis result
for |
pool | A vector giving a classification for pooling the sites in the species data. If missing, all sites are pooled together. |
smallsample | Use small sample correction \((N-1)/N\), where
\(N\) is the number of sites within the |
X, object | A |
index | The selected index of extrapolated richness. |
permutations | Usually an integer giving the number
permutations, but can also be a list of control values for the
permutations as returned by the function |
minsize | Smallest number of sampling units reported. |
parallel | Number of parallel processes or a predefined socket
cluster. With |
display | Indices to be displayed. |
alpha | Level of quantiles shown. This proportion will be left outside symmetric limits. |
type | Type of graph produced in |
... | Other parameters (not used). |
Many species will always remain unseen or undetected in a collection of sample plots. The function uses some popular ways of estimating the number of these unseen species and adding them to the observed species richness (Palmer 1990, Colwell & Coddington 1994).
The incidence-based estimates in specpool
use the frequencies
of species in a collection of sites.
In the following, \(S_P\) is the extrapolated richness in a pool,
\(S_0\) is the observed number of species in the
collection, \(a_1\) and \(a_2\) are the number of species
occurring only in one or only in two sites in the collection, \(p_i\)
is the frequency of species \(i\), and \(N\) is the number of
sites in the collection. The variants of extrapolated richness in
Chao | \(S_P = S_0 + \frac{a_1^2}{2 a_2}\frac{N-1}{N}\) |
Chao bias-corrected | \(S_P = S_0 + \frac{a_1(a_1-1)}{2(a_2+1)} \frac{N-1}{N}\) |
First order jackknife | \(S_P = S_0 + a_1 \frac{N-1}{N}\) |
Second order jackknife | \(S_P = S_0 + a_1 \frac{2N - 3}{N} - a_2 \frac{(N-2)^2}{N (N-1)}\) |
Bootstrap | \(S_P = S_0 + \sum_{i=1}^{S_0} (1 - p_i)^N\) |
normally uses basic Chao equation, but when there
are no doubletons (\(a2=0\)) it switches to bias-corrected
version. In that case the Chao equation simplifies to
\(S_0 + \frac{1}{2} a_1 (a_1-1) \frac{N-1}{N}\).
The abundance-based estimates in estimateR
use counts
(numbers of individuals) of species in a single site. If called for
a matrix or data frame, the function will give separate estimates
for each site. The two variants of extrapolated richness in
are bias-corrected Chao and ACE (O'Hara 2005, Chiu
et al. 2014). The Chao estimate is similar as the bias corrected
one above, but \(a_i\) refers to the number of species with
abundance \(i\) instead of number of sites, and the small-sample
correction is not used. The ACE estimate is defined as:
ACE | \(S_P = S_{abund} + \frac{S_{rare}}{C_{ace}}+ \frac{a_1}{C_{ace}} \gamma^2_{ace}\) |
where | \(C_{ace} = 1 - \frac{a_1}{N_{rare}}\) |
\(\gamma^2_{ace} = \max \left[ \frac{S_{rare} \sum_{i=1}^{10} i(i-1)a_i}{C_{ace} N_{rare} (N_{rare} - 1)}-1, 0 \right]\) |
Here \(a_i\) refers to number of species with abundance \(i\) and \(S_{rare}\) is the number of rare species, \(S_{abund}\) is the number of abundant species, with an arbitrary threshold of abundance 10 for rare species, and \(N_{rare}\) is the number of individuals in rare species.
Functions estimate the standard errors of the estimates. These only
concern the number of added species, and assume that there is no
variance in the observed richness. The equations of standard errors
are too complicated to be reproduced in this help page, but they can
be studied in the R source code of the function and are discussed
in the vignette
that can be read with the
. The standard error are based on the
following sources: Chiu et al. (2014) for the Chao estimates and
Smith and van Belle (1984) for the first-order Jackknife and the
bootstrap (second-order jackknife is still missing). For the
variance estimator of \(S_{ace}\) see O'Hara (2005).
Functions poolaccum
and estaccumR
are similar to
, but estimate extrapolated richness indices
of specpool
or estimateR
in addition to number of
species for random ordering of sampling units. Function
uses presence data and estaccumR
data. The functions share summary
and plot
methods. The summary
returns quantile envelopes of
permutations corresponding the given level of alpha
standard deviation of permutations for each sample size. NB., these
are not based on standard deviations estimated within specpool
or estimateR
, but they are based on permutations. The
function shows the mean and envelope of permutations
with given alpha
for models. The selection of models can be
restricted and order changes using the display
argument in
or plot
. For configuration of plot
command, see xyplot
Function specpool
returns a data frame with entries for
observed richness and each of the indices for each class in
vector. The utility function specpool2vect
the pooled values into a vector giving the value of selected
for each original site. Function estimateR
returns the estimates and their standard errors for each
site. Functions poolaccum
and estimateR
matrices of permutation results for each richness estimator, the
vector of sample sizes and a table of means
of permutations
for each estimator.
Chao, A. (1987). Estimating the population size for capture-recapture data with unequal catchability. Biometrics 43, 783--791.
Chiu, C.H., Wang, Y.T., Walther, B.A. & Chao, A. (2014). Improved nonparametric lower bound of species richness via a modified Good-Turing frequency formula. Biometrics 70, 671--682.
Colwell, R.K. & Coddington, J.A. (1994). Estimating terrestrial biodiversity through extrapolation. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London B 345, 101--118.
O'Hara, R.B. (2005). Species richness estimators: how many species can dance on the head of a pin? J. Anim. Ecol. 74, 375--386.
Palmer, M.W. (1990). The estimation of species richness by extrapolation. Ecology 71, 1195--1198.
Smith, E.P & van Belle, G. (1984). Nonparametric estimation of species richness. Biometrics 40, 119--129.
The functions are based on assumption that there is a species pool: The community is closed so that there is a fixed pool size \(S_P\). In general, the functions give only the lower limit of species richness: the real richness is \(S >= S_P\), and there is a consistent bias in the estimates. Even the bias-correction in Chao only reduces the bias, but does not remove it completely (Chiu et al. 2014).
Optional small sample correction was added to specpool
vegan 2.2-0. It was not used in the older literature (Chao
1987), but it is recommended recently (Chiu et al. 2014).
See http://viceroy.eeb.uconn.edu/EstimateS for a more complete (and positive) discussion and alternative software for some platforms.
#> Species chao chao.se jack1 jack1.se jack2 boot boot.se n #> BF 16 17.19048 1.5895675 19.33333 2.211083 19.83333 17.74074 1.646379 3 #> HF 21 21.51429 0.9511693 23.40000 1.876166 22.05000 22.56864 1.821518 5 #> NM 21 22.87500 2.1582871 26.00000 3.291403 25.73333 23.77696 2.300982 6 #> SF 21 29.88889 8.6447967 27.66667 3.496029 31.40000 23.99496 1.850288 6op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2)) boxplot(specnumber(dune) ~ Management, data = dune.env, col = "hotpink", border = "cyan3") boxplot(specnumber(dune)/specpool2vect(pool) ~ Management, data = dune.env, col = "hotpink", border = "cyan3")#> $chao #> N Chao 2.5% 97.5% Std.Dev #> [1,] 3 163.8446 144.0081 185.5279 11.425025 #> [2,] 4 175.2613 155.6339 197.5430 11.102676 #> [3,] 5 181.9404 162.9204 202.2775 10.225221 #> [4,] 6 187.5935 169.0500 210.5131 10.905422 #> [5,] 7 194.1845 177.4721 217.4949 10.937797 #> [6,] 8 197.3287 179.5973 218.5361 10.734286 #> [7,] 9 200.8372 182.5336 221.1848 10.414775 #> [8,] 10 203.8975 188.3830 227.1169 11.934209 #> [9,] 11 207.1645 189.4961 227.1497 11.434965 #> [10,] 12 210.5631 193.3939 234.8315 12.642137 #> [11,] 13 213.0122 194.4495 235.8226 10.466458 #> [12,] 14 215.9590 196.3256 243.0967 12.638403 #> [13,] 15 219.7021 199.7543 245.1639 12.620668 #> [14,] 16 222.0587 202.9523 252.2632 13.257926 #> [15,] 17 223.7354 204.1720 248.6958 12.406220 #> [16,] 18 224.9768 206.3021 252.7272 11.918966 #> [17,] 19 225.5385 208.0477 253.7259 11.703422 #> [18,] 20 228.5411 207.6179 256.5100 12.553768 #> [19,] 21 228.5166 208.7494 254.4789 11.392270 #> [20,] 22 230.0595 211.3889 262.4102 12.168649 #> [21,] 23 231.5704 213.0775 256.9304 12.111100 #> [22,] 24 233.0244 215.4363 264.7362 12.350755 #> [23,] 25 233.3699 216.3727 262.3983 11.615367 #> [24,] 26 233.8105 217.2809 264.3478 11.762489 #> [25,] 27 234.6579 218.8600 258.9373 11.089195 #> [26,] 28 235.9213 218.8506 261.2105 11.145760 #> [27,] 29 236.9192 220.6398 263.8172 10.841831 #> [28,] 30 237.2869 220.4688 260.6325 10.824935 #> [29,] 31 237.5111 220.9968 265.7840 11.470647 #> [30,] 32 237.6487 221.2487 261.7231 10.944063 #> [31,] 33 237.4202 221.2689 255.9092 9.477793 #> [32,] 34 238.0942 221.9147 256.8135 9.768634 #> [33,] 35 238.2695 222.7146 257.3221 9.324122 #> [34,] 36 237.9344 222.8572 255.0762 8.983655 #> [35,] 37 237.5586 223.2032 255.2048 8.608156 #> [36,] 38 237.5008 224.1010 252.4009 8.116407 #> [37,] 39 237.6810 224.5726 252.0271 7.319545 #> [38,] 40 237.0329 224.5498 252.3750 7.080692 #> [39,] 41 236.9653 225.0362 252.6562 6.834743 #> [40,] 42 236.2359 225.7095 250.5005 6.085949 #> [41,] 43 236.5034 226.3343 248.1269 6.168847 #> [42,] 44 237.1143 227.9140 252.3150 6.207299 #> [43,] 45 237.0079 228.2277 249.1699 5.438751 #> [44,] 46 237.1486 228.6086 251.5188 5.215137 #> [45,] 47 236.6522 229.3700 245.6755 3.889002 #> [46,] 48 236.5599 230.8615 244.1243 3.204779 #> [47,] 49 236.6752 234.3115 245.4082 2.331291 #> [48,] 50 236.3732 236.3732 236.3732 0.000000 #> #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "summary.poolaccum"plot(pool)## Quantitative model estimateR(BCI[1:5,])#> 1 2 3 4 5 #> S.obs 93.000000 84.000000 90.000000 94.000000 101.000000 #> S.chao1 117.473684 117.214286 141.230769 111.550000 136.000000 #> se.chao1 11.583785 15.918953 23.001405 8.919663 15.467344 #> S.ACE 122.848959 117.317307 134.669844 118.729941 137.114088 #> se.ACE 5.736054 5.571998 6.191618 5.367571 5.848474