Single visit N-mixture abundance models
Binomial-Poisson, Binomial-NegBin, Binomial-ZIP, and Binomial-ZINB models with single visit.
svabu(formula, data, zeroinfl = TRUE, area = 1, N.max = NULL,
inits, link.det = "logit", link.zif = "logit",
model = TRUE, x = FALSE, distr = c("P", "NB"), ...), X, Z, Q = NULL, zeroinfl = TRUE, area = 1, N.max = NULL,
inits, link.det = "logit", link.zif = "logit", ...), X, Z, Q = NULL, zeroinfl = TRUE, area = 1, N.max = NULL,
inits, link.det = "logit", link.zif = "logit", ...)
is.present(object, ...)
predictMCMC(object, ...)
svabu.step(object, model, trace = 1, steps = 1000,
criter = c("AIC", "BIC"), test = FALSE, k = 2, control, ...)
- formula
formula of the form
y ~ x | z
, wherey
is a vector of observations,x
is the set of covariates for the occurrence model,z
is the set of covariates for the detection model.x
can further expanded asx1 + zif(x2)
into terms for the nonzero count data part (x1
) and the zero inflation component (zif(x2)
) using thezif
special.- Y, X, Z, Q
vector of observation, design matrix for abundance model, design matrix for detection and design matrix for zero inflation model
- data
- area
- N.max
maximum of true count values (for calculating the integral)
- zeroinfl
logical, if the Binomial-ZIP model should be fitted
- inits
initial values used by
- link.det, link.zif
link function for the detection and zero inflation parts of the model
- model
a logical value indicating whether model frame should be included as a component of the returned value, or true state or detection model
- x
logical values indicating whether the response vector and model matrix used in the fitting process should be returned as components of the returned value. For the function
it is any object to be returned.- object
a fitted object.
- trace
info returned during the procedure
- steps
max number of steps
- criter
criterion to be minimized (cAUC=1-AUC)
- test
logical, if decrease in deviance should be tested
- k
penalty to be used with AIC
- control
controls for optimization, if missing taken from object
- distr
character, abundance distribution:
for Poisson,"NB"
for Negative Binomial.- ...
other arguments passed to the functions
See Examples.
The right hand side of the formula must contain at least one continuous (i.e. non discrete/categorical) covariate. This is the necessary condition for the single-visit method to be valid and parameters to be identifiable. See References for more detailed description.
The Binomial-Poisson model is the single visit special case of the N-mixture model proposed by Royle (2004) and explained in Solymos et a. (2012) and Solymos and Lele (2016).
Royle, J. A. 2004. N-Mixture Models for Estimating Population Size from Spatially Replicated Counts. Biometrics, 60(1), 108--115. <doi:10.1111/j.0006-341X.2004.00142.x>
Solymos, P., Lele, S. R. and Bayne, E. 2012. Conditional likelihood approach for analyzing single visit abundance survey data in the presence of zero inflation and detection error. Environmetrics, 23, 197--205. <doi:10.1002/env.1149>
Solymos, P., Lele, S. R. 2016. Revisiting resource selection probability functions and single-visit methods: clarification and extensions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 196--205. <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12432>
Denes, F., Solymos, P., Lele, S. R., Silveira, L. & Beissinger, S. 2017. Biome scale signatures of land use change on raptor abundance: insights from single-visit detection-based models. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54, 1268--1278. <doi:10.1111/1365-2664.12818>
## fit BZIP and BP models
m00 <- svabu(Y ~ x1 + x5 | x2 + x5, databu[1:200,])
## print method
#> Call:
#> svabu(formula = Y ~ x1 + x5 | x2 + x5, data = databu[1:200, ])
#> Single visit Binomial - Zero Inflated Poisson model
#> Conditional Maximum Likelihood estimates
#> Coefficients for abundance (log link):
#> (Intercept) x1 x5
#> 2.0318 -0.8921 0.5385
#> Coefficients for detection (logit link):
#> (Intercept) x2 x5
#> 0.8124 1.6873 -0.4561
#> Coefficients for zero inflation (logit link):
#> (Intercept)
#> -0.7758
## summary: CMLE
#> Call:
#> svabu(formula = Y ~ x1 + x5 | x2 + x5, data = databu[1:200, ])
#> Single visit Binomial - Zero Inflated Poisson model
#> Conditional Maximum Likelihood estimates
#> Coefficients for abundance (log link):
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) 2.0318 0.1901 10.686 < 2e-16 ***
#> x1 -0.8921 0.1701 -5.244 1.57e-07 ***
#> x5 0.5385 0.1720 3.131 0.00174 **
#> Coefficients for detection (logit link):
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) 0.8124 0.6837 1.188 0.235
#> x2 1.6873 0.4040 4.177 2.96e-05 ***
#> x5 -0.4561 0.5659 -0.806 0.420
#> Coefficients for zero inflation (logit link):
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -0.7758 0.1705 -4.551 5.33e-06 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Log-likelihood: -300.1 on 7 Df
#> AIC = 614.2
## coef
#> sta_(Intercept) sta_x1 sta_x5 det_(Intercept) det_x2
#> 2.0317779 -0.8921099 0.5384850 0.8123504 1.6872739
#> det_x5 zif_(Intercept)
#> -0.4560919 -0.7758071
coef(m00, model="sta") ## state (abundance)
#> (Intercept) x1 x5
#> 2.0317779 -0.8921099 0.5384850
coef(m00, model="det") ## detection
#> (Intercept) x2 x5
#> 0.8123504 1.6872739 -0.4560919
coef(m00, model="zif") ## zero inflation (this is part of the 'true state'!)
#> (Intercept)
#> -0.7758071
if (FALSE) {
## Diagnostics and model comparison
m01 <- svabu(Y ~ x1 + x5 | x2 + x5, databu[1:200,], zeroinfl=FALSE)
## compare estimates (note, zero inflation is on the logit scale!)
cbind(truth=c(2,-0.8,0.5, 1,2,-0.5, plogis(0.3)),
"B-ZIP"=coef(m00), "B-P"=c(coef(m01), NA))
## fitted
plot(fitted(m00), fitted(m01))
## compare models
AIC(m00, m01)
BIC(m00, m01)
## diagnostic plot
## Bootstrap
## non parametric bootstrap
## - initial values are the estimates
m02 <- bootstrap(m00, B=25)
attr(m02, "bootstrap")
summary(m02, type="cmle")
summary(m02, type="boot")
## vcov
vcov(m02, type="cmle")
vcov(m02, type="boot")
vcov(m02, model="sta")
vcov(m02, model="det")
## confint
confint(m02, type="cmle") ## Wald-type
confint(m02, type="boot") ## quantile based
## parametric bootstrap
simulate(m00, 5)
m03 <- bootstrap(m00, B=5, type="param")
## Model selection
m04 <- svabu(Y ~ x1 + x5 | x2 + x5 + x3, databu[1:200,], phi.boot=0)
m05 <- drop1(m04, model="det")
m06 <- svabu.step(m04, model="det")
m07 <- update(m04, . ~ . | . - x3)
## Controls
m08 <- svabu(Y ~ x1 + x5 | x2 + x5, databu[1:100,])
m08$control ## but original optim method is retained during model selection and bootstrap
## fitted models can be used to provide initial values
m09 <- svabu(Y ~ x1 + x5 | x2 + x5, databu[1:100,], inits=coef(m08))
## Ovenbirds dataset
ovenc <- oven
ovenc[, c(4:8,10:11)][] <- lapply(ovenc[, c(4:8,10:11)], scale)
moven <- svabu(count ~ pforest | observ + pforest + julian + timeday, ovenc)
drop1(moven, model="det")
moven2 <- update(moven, . ~ . | . - timeday)
moven3 <- update(moven2, . ~ . | ., zeroinfl=FALSE)
BIC(moven, moven2, moven3)