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Make a used-available data frame from a presence-absence type data.


makeUsedAvail(x, ...)

# S3 method for default
makeUsedAvail(x, y, ...)

# S3 method for formula
makeUsedAvail(formula, data = parent.frame(), ...)



a matrix or data frame.


a vector with 0/1 entries, 1s are taken as used observations.


two sided model formula of the form y ~ x.




other arguments.


The function returns a data frame, where used and available portions of the input data are bound on top of each other, the first column refers to y, where used (1) and available (0) locations are indicated different from the input values. All locations in the input data are treated as available (0), while only nonzero observations in y are treated as used (1).


Peter Solymos


(x <- data.frame(species=rep(1:0,each=4), var1=1:8, var2=11:18))
#>   species var1 var2
#> 1       1    1   11
#> 2       1    2   12
#> 3       1    3   13
#> 4       1    4   14
#> 5       0    5   15
#> 6       0    6   16
#> 7       0    7   17
#> 8       0    8   18
makeUsedAvail(species ~ var1 + var2, x)
#>    species var1 var2
#> 1        1    1   11
#> 2        1    2   12
#> 3        1    3   13
#> 4        1    4   14
#> 5        0    1   11
#> 6        0    2   12
#> 7        0    3   13
#> 8        0    4   14
#> 9        0    5   15
#> 10       0    6   16
#> 11       0    7   17
#> 12       0    8   18